Frustrated with your doctor?

It’s common to get trapped in the revolving door of recurring infections and multiple antibiotics.
The most frustrating thing about MRSA and Staph for many people is their own doctor. You expect your doctor to help you, or to refer you to a specialist that can help. At the very least, you expect your doctor to know about MRSA and have a good treatment plan to follow.
But all too often doctors misdiagnose MRSA, prescribe the wrong antibiotics, or even make light of the infection. Often times doctors admit they don’t know what else they can do to stop recurring infections.
Maybe you’ve heard the following “words of encouragement” from your doctor?
“MRSA is nothing to worry about”
“If it comes back again, we’ll just give you more antibiotics”
“You need to be on antibiotics for 6 months to a year to get rid of the infection”
“You’ll always have MRSA. You can never get rid of it”
“There’s nothing more I can do to help you”
In all fairness, doctors are under enormous pressure from insurance companies, drug companies and the health care system to cut costs, save time and use “standard protocol” treatments. Doctors are rarely trained in alternative medicine and are actually discouraged from using alternatives. And because antibiotics are relied upon so heavily, most doctors have no idea what to do when these drugs stop working.
It’s no wonder people get trapped in the revolving door of recurring infections and multiple antibiotics. Your doctor may be doing the best that he or she can, but when it comes to MRSA, your doctor’s best may not be good enough.
7 Ways to get better care from your doctor
If you’ve hit a wall with your doctor and mainstream medicine, there are ways you can get better treatments and better service from your doctor. Here are some easy ways to get more benefit from working with our doctor:
- Ask your doctor if you are receiving the ‘standard protocol’ treatments. Staph and especially MRSA do not respond to most common antibiotics. And the only way to know if you have MRSA is to get a test from your doctor. Make sure your doctor is giving you personalized treatments based on the type of infection you have.
- Get tested. If you choose to take antibiotics, be sure you know what’s causing your infection by getting tested. Most standard antibiotics won’t work against MRSA, so getting tested can help you get the right treatment.
- Ask your doctor to review the side effects of your antibiotics with you. Most antibiotics have side-effects, and some are very dangerous and unpleasant. Make sure you know what you’re getting into if you choose to use these drugs.
- Be informed and involved. Do your research to understand what your infection is and what you’re dealing with. Become knowledgeable of your treatment options and their pros and cons. Also work as a partner with your doctor, asking questions and questioning things you don’t agree with or understand.
- If you choose to use alternatives, ask for your doctors support. If you are fortunate, your doctor will monitor your progress while you use alternatives and collaborate with your natural doctor if you have one.
- Get a second opinion. If you think you have MRSA and your doctor won’t test you, ask to see another doctor and get a second opinion. If you don’t like the care you’re receiving, find another doctor.
- Get a referral to a specialist. Infectious Disease (ID) doctors usually have more experience with Staph and MRSA.
Getting a better doctor
If you’ve done everything you can to work with your doctor and you’re still not getting the support you need, then it may be time to find another doctor. It’s important to remember you are paying your doctor for a service. If that service is not what you need, then you owe it to yourself to find someone who can help you better. If it’s time to make a change, below are helpful guidelines for finding a doctor for Staph and MRSA:
- Do they have experience with MRSA or Staph?
- What has been their track record of success with recurring infection patients?
- Are they experienced with or supportive of alternatives to antibiotics?
- Consider seeing a Integrative or Naturopathic Doctor (ND). NDs are trained medical professionals skilled in natural and alternative medicine. Integrative doctors use a blend of both traditional medicine and alternative healing.
- What are Naturopathic Doctors and how can they help?