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What is the Best Remedy for MRSA and Staph?

best remedy

A common question is “What is the best cure for MRSA or Staph infections?” While some people prefer using antibiotic medicines for MRSA, natural remedies are usually a better choice because antibiotics often fail to work due to antibiotic resistance, drug allergies, side effects, and failure to prevent recurrent infections.

If your wondering where to start, and which natural remedy is best for MRSA, consider the following:

  • What type of infection it is (skin, internal, nose, etc.)?
  • What is the severity of the infection?
  • What’s the age of the person who’s infected (baby, child, adult, elderly)?
  • Is the person at home or in a hospital, or are they living in a nursing home or in other healthcare facility?
  • Is the person (or the parents/guardians) open to using alternatives, and do they have support from their doctor/s?

The above factors play a pivotal role in choosing the best natural remedy because no single remedy is perfect for everyone or every situation or every type of infection. Also, sometimes a combination of remedies are needed to get the best results, not just one remedy alone.


Use our Remedy Selection Tool below to see selected remedies for different kinds of Staph and MRSA infections.


Points to consider when choosing the best remedy

All remedies and treatments have their pros, cons, limitations and best uses. And for many, recovering from chronic Staph or MRSA requires a broader approach in addition to using remedies or treatments alone. Below are some potential remedy choices based on different kinds of infections and situations:


    Remedies can be very effective when it comes to treating MRSA and Staph. In order to pick the best remedy, be sure to consider the following points.

  • Different types of infections need different approaches. Some remedies lend themselves to skin application but are less suited for internal use, such as tea tree essential oil and Manuka honey. And some of the strongest remedies for internal support are less appropriate for skin use, such as dry herbal blends or oregano essential oil. Likewise, remedies that are safe on your arms or feet can be too strong for infections in your nose, eyes and other sensitive areas, or they must be diluted or otherwise used differently.
  • Each person has unique needs and challenges. If you are pregnant, elderly or have other health conditions, the best remedy for you can be quite different from someone else. For instance, diabetics should use Manuka honey sparingly or only on the skin because it is 30% glucose. Some remedies should be avoided for newborns and babies, such as raw honey or sensitizing essential oils. Young children usually need their remedies diluted 50-75%, depending on the remedy and the age of the child. And if you are staying in a hospital or other medical facility, there are usually restrictions on what kinds of remedies and supplements you can use.
  • Severity of infection. The severity of an infection has much to do with which remedy you use, and how much of it you use. While tea tree oil or Manuka honey may be fine for a mild to moderate infection, a more powerful “heaving hitting” remedy or combination of remedies is best for chronic internal infections, such as bone, blood and deep cellulitis infections. For severe or rapidly worsening infections, antibiotic drugs can be a good option.
  • Different underlying causes for infections. An underlying health condition can help support a Staph or MRSA infection. A good example is internal yeast infections, a common problem after taking a lot of antibiotics. Optimal conditions for yeast growth can also help MRSA take hold. Addressing the underlying yeast infection can often be the best thing for the MRSA infection too.
  • Each remedy works in different ways. Some remedies, such as thyme essential oil and stabilized allicin (an extract of garlic), are really good at killing bacteria. Other approaches, such as adjusting your body pH or a low sugar diet, help cut off bacterial growth and food supplies. Other products, such as probiotics, vitamins, and immune supporting supplements (and foods) help strengthen your body’s natural defenses. And even if you only have a skin infection, you’ll want to use both skin and internal remedies to attack the infection from multiple fronts. Treating an infection on multiple fronts and in different ways is the best way to speed recovery and control a stubborn infection.
  • Sometimes the “best” remedies can fail. No matter how powerful or well suited a remedy or treatment seems to be, some people simply don’t react well or respond to it. For example, I’ve talked with many people who have had good results with colloidal silver products and many people who have had no results at all using these products. Also, just as different people can have very different food allergies, different people can be sensitive to a particular product and not be able to use it. A great example is tea tree oil, which most people tolerate very well but a few are unable to use due to skin reactions.

For optimal results, you want to be flexible and have an adaptable treatment plan. Choosing the best remedy for your particular needs is the right place to start. Getting support from your doctor to monitor your progress is equally important. While there are several consistently helpful natural remedies for MRSA, some people may need to switch to a totally different remedy if they have allergies or don’t see results soon enough.

Our Natural Remedy Selection Tool

Select the type of infection and the age of the person who’s infected inside the box below to see selected remedies:

Selected remedy precautions:

The remedies described in the selection tool above are by no means all-inclusive, nor are they necessarily the best choices for you. While these remedies have proven to be helpful for Michelle Moore and many others, it’s important to do your own research and find solutions that best meet your own particular needs.

Before deciding to take any remedy, treatment or supplement, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional who is knowledgeable about the product and familiar with your medical condition. The information above is for informational purposes only and is not meant to prescribe treatment for a medical condition, nor is it meant as medical advice.


Targeting just your infection may not be enough for long-term success

Remedies are only part of a successful infection recovery plan.

Remedies are only part of a successful infection recovery plan.

Some alternative remedies have the potential to provide significant and immediate relief from Staph or MRSA. But in MANY cases, it takes a combination of remedies, and/or using a remedy along with an immune support protocol to stop a stubborn infection in the long run.

This is because most remedies target your symptoms but don’t address the underlying cause of an infection, which usually has something to do with your immune system. For the fastest and best recovery, your immune system should be considered in addition to using any MRSA or Staph therapy. Other important considerations which are often overlooked are: mutated stealth bacteria, antibiotic side effects and prevention of secondary bacterial or fungal infections, all of which are crucial for a speedy and long-term recovery.

What does this mean for you?


While there’s no miracle cure that will work for everyone, there are essential principles and steps that can lead to a lasting recovery.

There’s lots of information online about this or that product or remedy. Products and information alone are useless unless you put everything together into a plan that works for you. The key to success lays in taking what you learn and combining it with support, guidance and direction to make it fit your own particular needs.

While there’s no miracle cure that will work for everyone, there are essential principles, methods and steps that can lead to a lasting recovery from a difficult infection. Part of the process involves treatments and remedies, tailored to fit your needs. Other parts of the process involve immune support, prevention and healing the damage to your body inflicted by the infection.

So be wary of putting your trust in any one single remedy, treatment or method alone. And remember that remedies, techniques and other information are only helpful if you put it all together into a plan that works for you and your needs.

Taking responsibility for your own health by finding out what’s best for your particular infection can take a little time and effort on your part, but the rewards are worth the effort. It’s also best to have help and support with this process and there are guidelines, protocols and my 3 step method to help you inside my program MRSA Secrets Revealed.


IStockPhoto credits: Supplements: ©Elenathewise, People: ©JJRD.
Puzzle pieces and building blocks: © Les Moore



Medical Disclaimer: Michelle Moore is not a doctor or healthcare practitioner, but she is someone who overcame many health obstacles that traditional medicine could not solve. This information is based upon Michelle Moore’s scientific research, education and personal experience and it is for educational purposes only. Information in this web site has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This information is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. When choosing a healthcare provider do your own research to ensure they are right for you.

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