Secondary infections are common after having Staph or MRSA. Examples are Candida, yeast and viral infections that show up after your Staph and MRSA infection has ended. One of the most challenging and uncomfortable secondary infections is called C. difficile (or C. diff. for short).
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MRSA and Staph Archives
Is your food helping or hurting your recovery?
Have you heard the sayings “you are what you eat” or “food is medicine”? Last night I watched one of the best movies I’ve seen about food and its impact on recovery from disease.
If you’ve been researching about MRSA and Staph, then you may know that sugar feeds infections. You might also know that certain food, like shiitake mushrooms, garlic and turmeric, can help support your body and kill invading bacteria. And you may know that artificial ingredients, pesticides and food additives can tax your body and slow down your recovery.
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MRSA in children still increasing
It’s encouraging to see MRSA rates dropping in hospitals that adopt strict programs to reduce unneeded antibiotics. But while MRSA is decreasing in some hospitals, an even more virulent form of MRSA is increasing at an alarming rate in the community, especially in children.
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Recent MRSA and Staph statistics and trends
Are MRSA infections on the rise, or are they beginning to decrease? Are MRSA and Staph more common in the elderly or in children?
Well, it depends…
To better understand the possible dangers of MRSA and Staph, it’s best to get a clear picture of the relevant statistics and trends. The answers to questions about MRSA and Staph statistics and specific facts about Staph depend on the context.
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Being thankful for your health
Thanksgiving may be a day to feast, enjoy family and prepare for Christmas shopping. But even more than that, it’s an opportunity to remember and celebrate what we’re thankful for in life and who we share our lives with.
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Dr. Oz interview on medicine and faith
Yesterday on the Dr. Oz Show, Pastor Joel Osteen was interviewed about whether faith or prayer play a role in the healing process. It was a good show that looked at the both the scientific results and the actual experiences people have had with prayer and healing. To see the whole show online, visit:
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MRSA cellulitis – a growing problem
Cellulitis is one of the most painful, quickly spreading and potentially deadly types of infections that can be caused by Staph or MRSA. Because these infections are becoming more common, it’s best to know what to look for and what to do if you think you have it. MRSA cellulitis can take a long time to get rid of. And like other types of MRSA and Staph, it is prone to recurring and can be difficult to treat.
MRSA strikes another family member
This morning my cousin was diagnosed with a Mersa infection (more correctly known as MRSA). She likely got it from a recent hospital visit to see another family member. She had a small cut on her leg that hadn’t been getting better and she just got back from her doctor. Any break in your skin (a cut, scratch, scrape, etc) can provide easy entry for MRSA bacteria to get into your body.
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